Tournament Competition 2003

Students from the Hiang The Chung Yen Central Shaolin Martial Arts competed in the Fall 2003 Tournament on Saturday, October 11, 2003. Held at Lexington's Beaumont Middle School gymnasium, men, women, and children from age 6 to 65 participated in the event held in conjunction with the YMCA of Central Kentucky. Medals were awarded in several age groups and belt levels for empty-hand forms, weapon forms, and sparring. Here are the results: (Report any errors to

Order listed is Gold, Silver, Bronze

Empty Hand: Kaleb Murry
Weapon: Tama The, Mary Lefferson, Allen Goins
Spar: Kaleb Murry, Tama The (tie), Dick Gabriel

1st & 2nd Brown/Men:
Empty Hand: Mark Lewis, Trent Foley, Blake Still
Weapon: Andrew Niehaus, Steve DeFosse
Spar: Paul Hickner, Walter Palmer, Mark Lewis

3rd Brown/Men:
Empty Hand: Fred Muller, Josh Means, Travis Brashear
Weapon: George King, Joe Gallant, Dave Dubocq
Spar: George King, Mark Grogan, Daryl Brashear

Empty Hand: Crystal Layne, Lanie Muller
Weapon: Jenifer McLamb, Rachel Wilson
Two-person set: Emily Comfort (with Tama The)
Spar: Crystal Layne, Jenifer McLamb, Lanie Muller

Brown/Youth & Junior:
Empty Hand: Josiah Hanna, Brice Harney, Keemia Abad
Weapon: Cali Brashear, Benjamin Mawby, Brice Harney
Spar: Cali Brashear, Josiah Hanna, Benjamin Mawby

Empty Hand: Ryne Carrol, Marcos Valdez, Ethan Vandyne
Weapon: Alex Anderson
Spar: Ryne Carrol, Alex Anderson, Marcos Valdez

Empty Hand: Joseph Allencherril, Cloe Smock, Chris Cutshaw
Spar: Christopher Sato, Victor Castro, Byron Avery

Empty Hand: Brandy Torok, Bailey Scott, Amanda Guthrie
Spar: Brandy Torok, Bailey Scott, Amanda Guthrie

Intermediate/Pee Wee
Empty Hand: John Deering, Brent Harney, John Cockriel
Weapon: Andrew Ross
Spar: Clarie Considine, Marvin Pitt, John Cockriel

Beginner/Pee Wee
Empty Hand: Michael Penalva, Tiana The, Sam Deering
Weapon: David Swisher
Spar: Tiana The, Sam Deering, Ryan Malson

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